So I was back reading my private-personal blog 15 minutes ago and I came across with the post
“Remember the time when you pointed that knife to me? I bet you didn't. Remember the fight we had two weeks ago? I bet you didn't too. You told me to go away from here and eat lunch alone and so I did, I ran away from your bullshit. People kept on staring at me, wondering why on earth would a 16 year old girl hop on a tricycle to nowhere, crying. “
One thing that Disney didn't taught me is that not all families will treat you and respect you right. Nothing ever worth having comes easy and i’m actually proud of myself for overcoming that phase in my life. Circumstances like these are never easy and there’s always a reason why He put me through it. I’m proud to say that I survived, I conquered the monsters inside of me and conquered depression. It’s been almost 5 months since I last cut, my scars are starting to fade and it doesn't remind me of how lonely I am anymore but it reminds me of how strong I am now. I have to say that the fight was worth it. I’m better and more happy now.